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1800 622 770

How to provide better safety and hygiene for patrons and workers in your hospitality venue

restaurant and cafes rapid disinfection solutions

Outbreaks can happen anytime – a recent Delta outbreak in two key major cities in Australia last July has enforced close-down at some affected sites, proving its significant impact.

The hospitality industry, with its consistent crowd in and out on a day-to-day basis, may increase higher chances of exposure within the premises. It is crucial to regularly deep clean and disinfect these facilities to ensure the safety of a large number of crowds.

Here are four technologies that can ensure disinfection is done, time and cost-efficiently, effectively, and automatically, requiring less or no extra labour:

1) Automatic Robot UV disinfection designed and engineered for hospitality venues in mind that provides scheduled and automatic mapping to navigate through the venue floor plans to provide UV-C disinfection. Click here to learn more about automatic robot UV disinfection systems

RUVi Disinfection Banner

2) Deep cleaning with versatile steam cleaning equipment from Duplex is also a good addition to daily cleaning as this thermal disinfection method can easily destroy viruses and bacteria at the highest temperature at high pressure. Browse our steam cleaning range to suit your commercial or hospitality use and budget.

Steam Disinfection Banner

3) Eliminate the need for traditional mops and buckets where the risk of bacteria harbouring in the slippery floors proves possible bacterial transmission, simply opt for dual bidirectional floor cleaners or compact steam vacuum machines that can absorb the excess water in the flooring and hard surfaces whilst sweeping the floors effectively.

Floor Disinfection Banner

4) Highly touched surfaces such as door knobs, cash registers, EFTPOS machines, or simply table tops are major causes of transmission of viruses. Disinfect these kinds of frequently touched surfaces with compact Touch Point disinfectors which can be attached and detached in flat surfaces with ease. Click here for the information.

Touch Point Disinfection Banner

Should you have a further enquiry or would like to arrange an on-site demonstration please contact us on 1800 622 770 or send an email to us to do a trial of one of these solutions with Duplex Cleaning Machines.