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1800 622 770



Photograph demonstrating Duplex's efficient cleaning technology for thoroughly cleaning a bathroom in less than four minutes.



Fast, Effective and High Quality

Commercial Cleaning

Image showcasing commercial cleaning services and equipment.
Main view of a commericial steam cleaning machines by Duplex Cleaning Machines.
commerical and Industrial steam cleaning machine in action at a commercial facility.


Nearly Dry, Steam Vapour Enables Professionals to Clean Bathrooms Quickly and Efficiently
Cleaning bathrooms quickly and efficiently is a sought-after goal in both domestic and commercial settings. Traditional cleaning methods often involve time-consuming scrubbing and the use of chemical disinfectants, which can be harmful to those with allergies or sensitivities. Duplex's range of steam cleaning systems offers a fast, hygienic, and eco-friendly alternative, capable of cleaning bathrooms in under 4 minutes using minimal water and no chemicals.
Image depicting Duplex Cleaning Machines' efficient and hygienic bathroom cleaning technology for salons.

Speed and Efficiency: Clean entire bathrooms in under 4 minutes.


Hygienic Cleaning: High temperatures thermally sanitise surfaces, destroying mould spores and bacteria.


Eco-Friendly: Uses less than a quarter of a glass of water per bathroom, with no need for chemical disinfectants.


Versatility: Comes with a variety of tools for detailed and broad area cleaning.

Bathroom Cleaning With Duplex Cleaning Machines

Cleaning a Gym Bathroom with Duplex Cleaning: A Step-by-Step Guide
Bathroom Cleaning in Healthcare
Bathroom Toilet Hygiene Cleaning Solutions with Duplex Steam Cleaning Equipment

Ideal Duplex Cleaning Products for Bathrooms

The JetSteam steam cleaner and JetVac steam vacuum cleaner are perfect for bathroom cleaning. Producing +155ºC superheated 94% dry steam, these machines melt grime, blast away dirt from hard-to-reach areas, and sanitise surfaces effectively.

A Guide to Cleaning Bathrooms Using Duplex Cleaning Machines

This guide provides a quick and effective method to clean bathrooms using Duplex's advanced steam technology, ensuring a clean, sanitised, and dry environment.
Steps to Clean Bathrooms with JetSteam/JetVac
Quick Bathroom Cleaning
Step 1
Detail Clean Fittings: Employ the High Pressure Lance to detail clean around the basin, taps, drain, handrails, and mirror. Focus the steam on these smaller areas to loosen grime.
Step 2
Wipe Down : After steaming, use a cloth to collect any grime and dry the area.
Step 3
Toilet Detailing: Use the High Pressure Lance or a specialized Toilet Brush attachment for detailed cleaning of the toilet water chamber, lid, seat, rim, inner bowl, and outer S-bend.
Step 4
Steam Clean Floors: Switch to the Steam Mini Mop or a Floor Tool equipped with a microfiber pad to clean the floor. The steam will emulsify the soiling, allowing the microfiber to collect the grime.
Step 5
Clean Walls and Shower Recess: Use the Steam Mini Mop or Triangle Swivel Tool with a cloth for the shower recess and bathroom walls. Begin from the top, working downwards in sideways motions. The steam's heat will dissolve grime or soap scum, and the microfiber will pick it up.
Step 6
For Heavily Soiled Walls: If walls are heavily soiled, consider using the Triangle Swivel brush with bristles exposed for more vigorous grime breakdown, followed by wiping with a cloth.
Step 7
Steam Clean the Floor : For a completely clean, use the Rectangular Floor tool with a microfiber pad (for JetSteam) or the steam vacuum floor tool (for JetVac) to steam clean the floor.
Steam cleaning tiled bathroom floors not only cleans but also prolongs the time it takes for grout lines to become heavily soiled, thanks to minimal water residue left behind.
Smart Approved Watermark logo
Duplex machines are stamped with Smart Approved WaterMark stamp
Smart Approved Water Mark is Australia's water conservation label. This allows businesses to purchase products that save water, and actively engage in the efficient use of water. Our Duplex machines are the first of it's kind steam generators and multi-floor cleaners to feature the Smart Approved Water Mark stamp.   Learn more

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